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What makes us different?

We build bridges, not walls.

You can talk directly with your translator. We are a close-knit team of professionals. Some of us have been working together for over 25 years.

We are different through our corporate culture.

“At Corporate Editions, a translator is not an IT peripheral device!”

We believe that a translator must possess three essential qualities:

A thorough, professional understanding of the material at hand and its idiomatic expression, in two languages.
A keen ability to write clearly and accurately.
Sufficient maturity and intellectual honesty to point out problems in the original. Or to say “I don’t know.”

Our Values

Practicing professionals

The people who work with us know your business. Financial documents are translated by financial professionals. Legal documents are translated by and/or verified by lawyers.

Availability& Rapidity

We work at your pace. You work hard, so do we.


We adhere to the highest standards of professional ethics and confidentiality.

Close collaboration with our clients

At Corporate Editions, we get to know you and your company. We study your corporate literature so that we are fully in tune with your communications and your vocabulary.

Adding Value

Because we work directly with you, we often suggest improvements to your initial documents. Together, we build a better message.

Customer Loyalty

Some of our major customers have been with us for over 25 years. Is there better proof of customer satisfaction?

Our Methodology

We adhere to a strict process that guarantees you responsiveness, quality, and consistency. This process also includes some input from you or a representative of your team.

All of your requests are handled by our project manager, who centralizes files and ensures that work is received, attributed to the appropriate translators, monitors progress and returns your project on time. Meanwhile, our entire office staff is kept abreast of each project to ensure better monitoring.

Translations are always executed by native speakers who are specialized in your field.

For longer projects, the beginning of the translation is submitted for review, approval, and/or correction.

Over the course of the translation process, a glossary is generated from the contributions of each of the project’s participants. We then send it to you for comments and approval.

Projects divided among several translators go through two rounds of edits: a cross-proofreading session with the translators followed by a global editing..

For technical or clarity issues, we often recommend a Q&A session between the translator and an informed client representative.
To ensure complete traceability throughout the various stages of work, each version contains the initials of the writers and editors in the order they handled the translation.

When appropriate, and with your prior consent, we call upon the knowledge of expert consultants (e.g., practicing attorneys, accountants, MDs) for specific vocabulary or drafting.

All texts are proofread by a third party.

Corporate Editions is equipped with Trados™. This CAT (Computer Aided Translation) software enables us to “recycle” words and phrases commonly used by our clients and to compile a computerized and automated database.